
 “Create a culture in which clearly specified learning outcomes and 评估s engage students as responsible partners in their learning and in which the College’s learning 领导者可以有效地为学习创造最佳条件.”


        金沙注册通过设计学习的战略目标意味着我们改善学习 通过运用我们对人们在大学里学习最好的方式的理解. 学习 by 设计 requires that we shape 金沙注册's learning environment by conscious and 有目的的意图,而不是偶然或习惯. 这意味着问什么是有效的,然后 做有效的事.

       In re-shaping learning at 金沙注册, we need to continue studying the best research on and consider the best 实践s of learning in college--what we call the "scholarship 教与学的关系.“我们也需要学习我们自己在金沙注册的练习 我们做得好的地方和我们需要做得更好的地方.

       Building on careful study, our 设计 should also reflect sound 设计 principles that: 1) are consistent with the values of our learning-centered initiative; 2) generate a widely useful template or model for effective 设计; and 3) incorporate honest 以及公众对设计有效性的评估.

       The re-shaping of learning at 金沙注册 must always proceed with a healthy respect 传统的教学方式. 大学一直以来都是非常传统的 这很可能会持续下去. 然而,我们的大学教学传统 and learning traditions should be evaluated with the same rigor that we evaluate long-standing 我们学科中的思想——通过对新知识和新理论的检验. 在学习 根据设计,这种严谨性是由学习型大学的两部分测试提供的学生学什么? 我们怎么知道他们已经学会了?


  • 参加一门课程作为学习.
  • 澳门金沙注册学位就是学习.
  • 大学生活就是学习.

To learn by 设计, we would need to shape these distinct experiences for students 这样,对于每一个,我们都能回答关键问题——学生学什么? 我们怎么知道他们已经学会了?--自信地,公开地,详细地. 我们会知道学生学了什么,怎么学的 well she's learned it, if she takes this course, if she earns by this degree, and 如果她在金沙注册度过这段时间. 但学习型大学不仅仅是学生的. 它认为大学是工作人员学习的地方. 所以我们应该 在上述三种学习方式之外,设计一种非传统的学习方式. 那 is:

  • 在大学里工作就是学习.


1. 精心设计的课程

To shape course-taking by 设计--that is, by conscious intention based on scholarship 诚实的评估——这是我们可能会做的.

  1. A)使用课程模板. 应用灵活的模式或模板的课程设计,使每个金沙注册课程 develops students' mastery of life-essential competencies (Think, Value, Communicate, and Act) and instills the disciplinary skills and understanding essential to their 未来的成功.
  2. B)定义结果和标准. Define learning outcomes and standards of achievement for each 金沙注册 course, and 承诺为每个学生评估这些结果.
  3. C)采用以学习为中心的策略. In every course 设计, provide for the most effective learning-centered pedagogy, 根据所研究的最佳做法的选择(i.e.教学的学问 和学习).
  4. D) Employ 评估s in every course that gauge students' increasing mastery of life-essential 胜任能力,并加强对学科技能和知识的掌握. 评估 我们的课程设计,并根据结果进行修改.
  5. E)展示和讲述. Publish our course 设计s, their implementation, and our 评估s 他们的有效性. 通过公开我们的工作,我们让我们的学生和我们自己负责 结果.

2. 通过设计澳门金沙注册学位


  1. A)调整课程成果和标准. To begin with, course outcomes and standards of achievement need to be aligned and coordinated across the three broad levels of college-preparatory, 1000-level, and 2000年水平. 当一个学生达到课程作业的每个阶段时,我们应该确保 他已经展示了在那个级别上取得成功所需要的精通程度. 然后, 结果和标准应与课程顺序和项目保持一致. 在国外 languages, for example, the student's increasing mastery should be demonstrated and 根据一系列结果进行评估. 同样,在其他累积程序中, 例如数学、英语作文或相关健康.
  2. B)整合LifeMap. Integrate 金沙注册's development advising model so that course-taking enhances students' 对学业、事业和终身成功的长期规划.
  3. C)评估学生对核心能力的累积掌握程度. Employ 评估s that document and gauge students' demonstrated mastery of life-essential 能力(TVCA),因为他们取得了学位的进展. 其中一个评估是 be a portfolio of student work assessed by faculty and other professionals that documents 不断增长的能力. 另一种是详细说明结果的另一份成绩单 学生掌握的不仅仅是她学过的课程. 复习和修改 我们的学位经验基于诚实的评估.
  4. D)展示和讲述. Publish our 设计s for the degree experience, their implementation, and our 评估s 他们的有效性. 发表我们的工作和我们的学生的工作,使我们自己 对两者的质量负责.

3. 故意上大学

Beyond our 设计s for taking courses and earning a degree as learning, we might also 考虑塑造在金沙注册的经历.

  1. A)明确定义 金沙注册 我们已经宣布金沙注册是一所以学习为中心的大学. 我们可以明确地 define and publicly commit to other principles and values that shape our interactions 与学生和彼此. 我们应该努力合作吗? 尊重 人和文化的多样性? 以学识和理性探究为指导? 致力于评估? 以及我们如何让自己和学生信守这样的承诺?
  2. B)整合LifeMap. Integrate 金沙注册's development advising model so that its principles shape students' 整个大学经历.
  3. C)设计课外学习. Design students' co-curricular experiences so that they reinforce, and are reinforced 通过课程学习和学位学习的结果. 将课外学习联系起来 (for example, student clubs and publications, student government, student creative productions, and other non-course activity) directly to classroom and degree learning. 定义大学生活的结果和成就标准.
  4. D)评估学生对……的参与程度 金沙注册 Employ 评估s of students' engagement that provide ongoing feedback to the college 对学生来说,这将促进学习. 审查和修改我们的设计为基础 评估.
  5. E)展示和讲述. Publish our 设计s for being-in-college and our 评估 of students' engagement 在整个过程中学习.

4. 在大学里设计工作

What would it look like if we shaped our work so that we learned while we worked--by 设计?

  1. A)定义我们最好的工作所需要的能力. Define the essential professional competencies required for us to do our work best.
  2. B)设计我们的工作. Design everything from academic administration to groundskeeping so that each of us grows in our mastery of life-essential skills and in the professional competencies 对金沙注册的成功至关重要.
  3. C)以学习为中心. Apply the principles and strategies of 金沙注册's learning-centered culture--learning first, collaboration, scholarship, and 评估--to our work in every department.
  4. D)评估. 评估 our developing mastery of life-essential and professional competencies in ways 这提高了我们的学习和我们对学生的有效性.
  5. E)展示和讲述. Publish our 设计 for work-based learning in ways that demonstrate our commitment 和问责制.


As we re-设计 our work 与学生和彼此, we might ask five questions 这样可以检查我们设计工作的质量.

1) How does this learning experience (course, degree, being in college, or working in college) reflect good research and best 实践, as reflected by the scholarship 教与学以及我们自己深思熟虑的经验?

2) How does this learning experience promote the learners' achievement of specific 学习成果和掌握生活基本能力(TVCA)?

3) How does it employ the learning-centered strategies most likely to achieve active 参与式学习?

4) How does it assess the learning experience with feedback from and to the learners 以提高他们的学习能力?

5)如何公开学习的设计、实施和结果 ways that make the teacher-leaders and learner-participants accountable for outcomes?

In fact, these questions are really 设计 principles in disguise--principles consistent with the learning-centered initiative that present some real challenges to our traditional 实践. 他们会让我们的工作,尤其是课堂教师的工作,更加公开 比我们习惯的要多. 他们会要求我们更明确地说明标准 我们使用并对我们取得的成果负责. 他们会让我们一起工作 比我们的习惯更紧密,更广泛地达成一致. 但是如果我们设计学习 along these principles, we could say with, greater confidence than ever before, exactly 我们的学生在学习什么,我们是怎么知道的.