Articulation Agreements

You may ask what  articulation is, and what it has to do with you. As a Valencia College student, you have options as to where you would like to continue your academic career. The State of Florida already has an articulation agreement between community colleges and the twelve State universities (6A-10.024). This is commonly referred to as a 2+2 agreement (2 years for an associate's degree followed by 2 years for a bachelor's degree). This 2+2 articulation agreement states that any student who graduates with an A.A. Degree will be accepted to one of the twelve state universities. However, the 2+2 articulation agreement does not guarantee that a student will be immediately accepted into the university of his/choice, nor the major of his/her choice within that university (refer to Transfer Guarantees for additional information).

Degree Pathways are included in the Associate in Arts Degree section of the catalog. Degree Pathways list the statewide Common Program Prerequisites (CPPs) for admission to the specific upper division major at the University of Central Florida, and/or another Florida public institution. Degree Pathways are advising plans; completion of the Degree Pathway does not guarantee admission to the student's transfer program of choice.

In addition to the agreement within the State University System, Valencia College is partnering with many other institutions to expand student options for seamless transition. They are designed for students to transfer to a particular public or private university as a junior to complete a bachelor's degree in a specific major/program.

This site will give you information about all of Valencia College's articulation agreements with other institutions (credits counted, scholarship opportunities, degree options, etc.). Articulation Agreement College List

If you have specific questions regarding these agreements, please contact Dr. Cheryl Robinson at