Omni CMS上传文件


Uploading files may seem like something simple and it actually is once you get used 到过程中.  However, there are steps required before uploading the file that 有必要让事情井井有条吗. 这有助于我们管理上传的文件 是否有很多文件随着时间的推移而积累. 首先要考虑的是 上传的是文件的大小.  减小……的大小是个好主意 一个文件在网上,以加快下载时间.  接下来,文件名很重要 because there are other tools that use the file name to make it easier for people 在搜索时查找文件.  减小文件大小并命名后 文件准备好了,可以上传了!

Below you will find the details about naming your file, where to upload and most importantly 如何上传.  Once your file is uploaded, there are instructions on how to link 到文件.  



  • 文件大小 should be kept to a minimum to allow users to download them quickly.
  • 文件中的图像会大大增加文件的大小.  如果你的文件里有图片, it's best to reduce the file size of the image before placing it into your file.  
  • 如果你有 already reduced the image sizes and the file is still large, Adobe Acrobat 有没有工具可以减少PDF文件的大小.  
  • 最好不要在文件中嵌入视频.  请向我们寻求视频帮助. 


  • 文件名只能包含:
    • 小写字母
    • 数字
    • 破折号“-”
  • Name your 文档 something that will be helpful to the user.
    • myfile更新- 01192564 (1)-final-web.pdf
    • valencia-college-program-application.pdf
  • 删除过期文件 so they don't show up in searches (Move to Recycle Bin).
  • Unless your file is a part of a series, it is preferable to have a standard file name, 而不是使用年份来命名文件. 的主体中使用“最近更新”的日期 文件,而不是.  This way you can overwrite the file with the same file name instead 删除一个过期的文件.  
    • 程序-指导- 2019.pdf
    • 节目指南.pdf

To overwrite or replace an existing file, you must use the identical file name. 检查 在上传对话框上的“覆盖现有”可以做到这一点. 这将减少破碎 链接和帮助减少“旧”文件.



  • 每个网站部分都有一个文档文件夹. 
  • Please upload 文档s in 文档文件夹 in the same section that you are editing.
  • 允许的文件格式:
    • PDF
    • 多克斯
    • XLSX
  • Duplicate 文档s: Make sure you aren't trying to upload a 文档 that already exists on the website unless you are doing so intentionally to replace it. 
  • 删除过期文件.

If you would like to link to a 文档 that has been uploaded in a 文件夹 that you do not control, change the environment to "production" in the upload dialog box. 当 you publish a file, it's uploaded to the "production" web server.

  • 生产是发布文件所在的位置.
  • 暂存是准备发布文件的地方.



PDF files are used mainly for sharing a file that needs to be standardized when printed 或者离线使用.

  • PDF或网页: To reduce the number of unnecessary PDF files, create a web page for content that is 不打算打印或下载.
  • 形式: PDF文件也可用于创建表单. Web服务建议使用PDF forms only for forms that need to be printed out and physically signed.
  • PDF或PowerPoint: Please save PowerPoint files as a PDF file before uploading to distribute slides. Upload a PowerPoint file only if someone would need the original slide deck.

For help creating a new web page, form or to upload 文档s, please create a 服务台请求.



Be aware that creating PDF 文档s may cause accessibility issues, especially if 您正在扫描打印文档. 如需帮助创建可访问的PDF文档,请联系:


Microsoft Office文档

Word or Excel 文档s should be used if you are providing a template to users.

  • Use a MS Office Document only if you would like someone to edit your file.
  • Create a new web page or upload a PDF version of the MS Office Document if you do 不希望用户编辑文件.

DOC and XLS 文档s are older formats that were created in Word 2007 or earlier. Open these files using Office 2013 or later and choose Save As:

  • "Word文档(*.或“Excel文档(* . 多克斯)”.XLSX)”.



  1. 准备好上传的文档文件名
    Change the file name using the naming standard mentioned above.  标准是 使用小写字母和破折号分隔单词.   
  2. 上传文档
    Scroll to the footer and click the copyright symbol to open the CMS editor.  后 you open the editor, click on the pages link at the top of the editor.  找到 文档文件夹.  打开文档文件夹并单击上传按钮.  拖 and drop your 文档 here or click the green add button to use the file browser 选择文档. 

  3. 发布文档
    后 the 文档 has been uploaded, you must publish the 文档 to move it from 暂存区域到web服务器(生产).  您可以将鼠标悬停在文档上 to find the 发布按钮 or select the checkbox next to the 文档s you want to publish 然后单击编辑器顶部的发布按钮.  然后点击绿色 发布按钮.

  4. 链接到文档
    Open the page where you want to add a link to your new 文档. 向下滚动到 要添加链接的区域. 为链接键入新文本或突出显示现有文本 文本. 最好是 for searching and accessibility purposes to type descriptive 文本 关于文档(避免使用“点击这里”或类似的词). 选择文本后 you want to link, click the link button at the top of the editor. 点击文件夹 按钮,以浏览您上传的文档. 提示: You can use the filter to type the name of the 文档 to find it faster if there 文件夹里有很多文件吗. 选择要链接到的文档,设置 将目标移至“新建”窗口,单击“确定”.

  5. 发布页面
    后 you have created the link to your 文档, click the save button at the top 编辑器左侧. 然后单击编辑器上方的绿色发布按钮. 最好是 to write a short description of your changes to the page before publishing. 点击 绿色发布按钮完成上传过程.

  6. 测试您的更改
    点击 the View in new window link and then click your 文档 link to make sure it's 正常工作. 如果不奏效,就回去重复这个过程. 这是常见的 上传后忘记发布文档.

Instructions for uploading and replacing an existing 文档

    1. 准备好上传的文档文件名
      Change the name to match the current file already linked on the page. 名字必须 是准确的.

  1. 上传文档
    Scroll to the footer and click the copyright symbol to open the CMS editor. 后 you open the editor, click on the pages link at the top of the editor. 查找文件 文件夹. 打开文档文件夹并单击上传按钮. 拖放你的 文档 here or click the green add button to use the file browser and select your 文档. You will notice the 文本 of the file name is red because there is already 那里有一个同名的文件. 在上传对话框中勾选“覆盖现有”复选框 框删除警告.


    To replace an existing 文档 of the identical name, be sure to check the “覆盖现有的”复选框.

    The video tutorial at the bottom of this instructional page will show the steps in 文档上传过程.

  2. 发布文档
    后 the 文档 has been uploaded, you must publish the 文档 to move it from 暂存区域到web服务器(生产). 将鼠标悬停在文档上以 find the 发布按钮 or select the checkbox next to the 文档s you want to publish 然后单击编辑器顶部的发布按钮. 然后单击绿色发布 button.  

  3. 测试新文档
    Open the page where the 文档 is linked and click your 文档 link to make sure 工作正常. Since the file is a replacement with the exact same name, you may need to clear your browser's cache to see the new file. 旧文件可能仍然存在 缓存在您的计算机上.

如果你有 adobeacrobat版本 标准版,Pro DC或Pro版(非Reader).  减小文件大小是可能的 网络下载.  

Simply click on the Documents drop down and select "Reduce file size" and save with 新文件名.  



有关特定页面的帮助,请使用 请求帮助小工具 在欧大校园.

有关使用编辑工具的信息,请参阅  Omni CMS快速参考指南.
