教师激励计划 (FIP) 时间表和资源

Timeline of Cycle deadlines for 2023-2025

  • Create and submit plan to Dean by June 1, 2024
  • Dean approval of plan must be received by June 30, 2024
  • Monitor and submit 文档 to your dean for approval by June 1, 2025
  • Dean approval of plan completion and confirmation of 文档 must be received 到2025年6月30日

Each step in the timeline will result in an email confirming that a specific action was taken, so be sure to look for this confirmation as your record of submission.

Making Changes/Updates throughout the Cycle

Please note that while in the tool, selecting to make a change/ revision to your plan 在任何时候 will send you back a step in the process, requiring approval of your dean. 一个电子邮件 confirmation detailing this action will be sent to the faculty member.

Example: I have submitted my plan but my Dean has declined an 活动 在我的计划中.
The FIP tool does not allow you to make edits to an 活动, you will have to click Plan Change/ Revision and re-add the 活动 with the correct information. 你会 have to resubmit your entire plan to your dean for approval. 使用这个 视频指南 to assist in making this revision to your plan's activities. 活动减少 will still appear as an historical reference but the new 活动 will be added.

Example: I have not submitted my plan and want to edit one of the activities.
As you add activites into your plan, there is an accessible 删除一个活动 button located under the Pending Dean Review activities box. 通过选择复选框 next to the 活动 you want to remove and clicking the remove an 活动 button, you are able to remove as many activites before submitting for approval. 使用这个 视频指南 在提交之前更改您的活动. Once you submit for approval you are unable to remove the activities originally sent, but can only revise plan and add corrected 活动.

Example: I added my 文档 but I 不能 submit
Submitting documention for a HIP and/or PD Plan is only accessible once your plan 已经被院长批准了吗. Upon approval you will have access to Document my HIP或文档我的PD计划按钮. If you choose to make any updates to your activites, remember you will need your dean to approve these activities again, prior to being 能够提交文档. 使用这个 视频指南 帮助您提交文档. All 文档 must be entered in the tool for all plans before you are able to 提交给你的院长. Once submitted, if you realize you need to make a change, you will need to contact your dean to have them decline the 文档 and therefore send it back to you 修改. 你会 need to resubmit again to continue the approval process.

  • 记录髋关节: Review all requirements prior to entering data. 把你的回应记录下来 all questions and 文档s, such as a word document, the FIP Tool is timed to your 阿特拉斯 login and does not save as you go. 如果您添加了所有的HIP文档 and want to revise it by clicking the Document my HIP button again, you will not be able to access the previously saved 文档.
  • 编制PD计划: Review all requirements prior to entering data. 如果PD课程在金沙注册完成, your transcript should reflect this course completion and therefore no attachment 你的成绩单是必需的. The total amount of PD hours documented must match the total within the PD plan level you selected before you will be able to submit 文档.

Example: My dean approved my plan but I want to select a different plan.
Once a plan has been approved, you are only able to select a lower level plan, you 无法升级到更高级别的计划.
If you originally selected PD Plan Level 1, you 不能 change to a PD Plan Level 2 or add on the HIP Plan
If you originally selected a HIP and PD Plan Level 2 combination, you may select to 改为HIP Only或PD Plan level 1.

Example: The PD course I added to my plan was canceled.
When documenting your plan, if a course is no longer available and 不能 be added as completed in your 文档, you must select Plan Change/Revision and revise the courses listed by adding a new course/活动 in it's place and resubmit your 再次计划审批. Upon approval of your revised plan, document the unavailable course with a comment for it's unavailability. 记住它会留在你的计划中 screen but will not be counted towards your plan. 这 视频指南 will show you how to make changes after your dean has approved.


High Impact Practice (HIP) Plan Resources

Learn the concepts of evidence-based, high impact practices and explore the elements of the SoTL process by registering for one of the courses below:

*Coming soon, our bi-annual SoTL Colloquium providing you an opportunity to share your previous HIP Plans alongside your 澳门金沙注册 colleagues. 更多的信息 about the Colloquium dates and the invitation to present your plans and research will 通过树林分享.